Research Focus:
- Language Awareness
- Intercultural Learning
- Evaluation and Testing
- Cooperative Learning
- Language Awareness und bilingualer Unterricht: Eine komparative Studie. Abstract, Book Review
Further Projects:
- ADEQUA: Learning strategies in self-regulated, text based cooperative literacy events in the context of English as a foreign language
- BIKA Kassel: Einrichtung des Zusatzstudiums Bilingualer Sachfachunterricht an der Universität Kassel
- MOBIDIC: Modules of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Teacher Training
- Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung: Fachliche und kulturelle Diversität in Schule und Universität, Research Report
- TRANSABCS: Dissemination and Adaption of the ABC’s of Cultural Understanding and Communication